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Over the last few years, the use of mobile apps has skyrocketed. With the widespread adoption of modern smartphones, an increasing number of people are utilising apps to order food, purchase tickets, conduct banking transactions, listen to music on the go, and so on.

Today’s world is a digital one, where staying in touch with pals across borders is no longer a chore, and as the number of mobile apps grows, so does our ability to complete formerly difficult activities. In this article, we’ll look at some mobile app development trends to watch in 2021.

As the demand for more functional apps grows, so does interest in mobile app development, particularly among independent and freelance developers. Because the mobile app store of an operating system is a fair playing field, anyone can produce an app that could be the next big thing. At the height of its popularity, Flappy Bird, an indie game, took in $50K a day, resulting in enormous success for its small-time producer!

Here’s what you need to know.

15 Emerging Mobile App Development Trends


1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Will Continue to Grow

Artificial intelligence is not a new concept, and it will continue to gain traction in the future years as more industries adopt it. The International Data Corporation predicts that the AI market will reach $40 billion by 2021 and that global spending on AI and cognitive systems would reach $77.6 billion by 2022, according to IDC!


2. Blockchain Technology Will be Increasingly Adopted

In recent years, blockchain technology has been improved further, and this trend is projected to continue in the coming years. This technology has already provided significant benefits to major financial organisations and investors, particularly when it comes to their assets.

According to Transparency Market Research, the blockchain technology market will reach $20 billion by 2024. This suggests that in 2020 and beyond, mobile applications will increasingly rely on this mobile application technology.


3. Increase in On-Demand Apps

On-demand apps serve as intermediaries between service suppliers and clients. In 2020, the app world will become more fascinating as more vendors enter the market with on-demand apps.

Uber and Taxify are two companies that have benefited greatly from on-demand app services in recent years. According to Appinventiv, the market for on-demand apps reached $106.83 million in 2017. According to tech analysts, this trend will continue through 2020 and beyond.


4. Chatbots Will Find Widespread Usage

Chatbots are expected to take over various different communication lines in the mobile app industry, according to the newest trends in mobile apps. The requirement for real-time engagement between service providers and customers accounts for some of the rising chatbot use. It’s worth noting that this technology eliminates the necessity for face-to-face conversation.

According to Gartner, by the end of 2021, chatbots will be responsible for 85 per cent of all customer service interactions. Another intriguing (or concerning) prediction is that people will come to communicate with chatbots more than they will with their relationships.


5. Increased Dominance of Wearable Apps


Wearable technology is becoming more popular all around the world. According to statistics, the number of wearable gadgets would increase to 929 million by 2021, from 453 million in 2017. Wearable devices and apps are likely to become commonplace in the near future.

Wearable gadgets, which are dominated by smartwatches, are projected to continue to attract app developers. More wearable gadgets with increasingly sophisticated software and technology are expected to hit the market in 2021, ranging from fitness bands to watches and movement trackers, among other things.


6. Instant Apps will Proliferate

User-friendly and memory-efficient services come to mind when thinking of mobile apps. Instant apps are native mobile applications that are easier to use, have a smaller file size, and are more convenient than standard apps. This is due to the fact that there is no need to download immediate apps. These apps are available and accessible without the need to download the specific app, as the name implies.

With more consumers wanting better user experiences and faster load times, 2021 will undoubtedly see a greater proliferation of instant apps, decreasing or even eliminating the time spent waiting for an app to install.


7. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Will Find Wider Adoption


Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are here to stay, and the adoption and dissemination of these technologies will accelerate in 2020. According to mobile app trends, AR and VR technology is being adopted for a variety of purposes other than only improving high-quality gaming applications.

In 2020, mobile app developers are expected to produce even more beautiful AR and VR mobile experiences, and with better and more compatible hardware on the horizon, the party is just getting started.

According to Statista, the global AR and VR market will grow from $27 billion in 2018 to $209 billion in 2022.


8. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Development Will Speed Up


Google and Twitter are leading an open-source initiative called accelerated mobile pages (AMP) to improve the performance of web pages on mobile devices.

Accelerated Mobile Pages is a technology that allows lightweight pages to load faster on smartphones and tablets. You may anticipate mobile app developers to employ this technology more in 2020 to reduce load times on mobile devices.


9. More Mobile Payment Services Will Proliferate

In 2019, demand for mobile wallet apps and payment gateways grew dramatically, and this trend is expected to continue throughout 2020. Mobile phone users prefer the frictionless payment methods that mobile wallet apps enable, and all kinds of apps are now incorporating payment gateways, which is fundamentally changing the way people shop.

Mobile payment services such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal One Touch, Venmo, and Square Cash are all expected to grow in popularity as new trends in mobile apps emerge. Every successful and popular mobile app today incorporates at least three or four valid payment methods, such as credit/debit cards, gift cards, and mobile wallets. In 2021, mobile payment services are expected to grow even more.


10. IoT will Open Even Newer Possibilities

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is already well-established, and more than 5 billion people are likely to use IoT-driven technology in some form or another over the next five years. Modern wearable technology, smart thermostats, smart lamps, dimmable streetlights, and other IoT devices are all available today.

Mobile app development publications predict that this technology will be widely embraced in the future year, enabling far more tailored user experiences across a wide range of devices.


11. Cloud Storage Platforms Will Continue to rise

There are no surprises here. Everyone has heard about the benefits of cloud technology and how it may assist to improve our collective lives, from the common consumer to the tech professional.

Cloud computing is now not only quick, simple, and inexpensive, but it also makes a solid business case for both huge corporations and little mom-and-pop shops. Cloud application development will increase in 2021, and future technologies will increasingly use cloud technology.

Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cloud storage. New sophisticated apps that run directly on the cloud and take up less storage space on mobile phones are expected in 2020. Data synchronisation, or working on an app on a phone and then continuing it on a tablet or laptop, will become more common.

12. Enterprise Mobile Apps Will Get a New Lease of Life

It’s no longer a secret that an increasing number of developers are gravitating toward creating enterprise mobile apps. One of the main reasons for development is because such apps make it simple to keep huge teams linked as well as track crucial metrics and KPIs, which are now required in some form by almost every small and large company.

In comparison to the 19% of developers who work on consumer-focused apps, 43% of commercial app developers earn more than $10,000 per month. Enterprise app shops are expected to be the next big thing since increasing B2B contact will provide new developers with a huge opportunity.


13. Location-based Wi-Fi Services Will Become Commonplace

Mobile location services and Beacon technology are now starting to blur the boundaries between online and offline advertising, especially in the retail sector. Apple had already integrated the technology within iBeacon, and in 2016 Android followed suit.

In the following years, Wi-Fi will be used for more than just internet access, as more and more public hotspots also double up as location access points. App developers are also expected to follow suit, by building apps that take advantage of such location-based Wi-Fi services.


14. m-Commerce to be the Next Great Opportunity

Future of Mobile Commerce | mCommerce Trends & Stats

As e-commerce behemoths like Amazon and eBay grow in popularity, the use of mobile commerce apps is projected to rise in the coming years.

Using a mobile phone to pay for purchases, among other things, will find easier acceptance as more handsets feature technology such as NFC, Fingerprint recognition, and so on. Developers will also be able to create m-Commerce apps that provide consumers with additional capabilities.

15. High-quality UX to be the Norm of the Day

Apart from a great look and feel, today’s smartphone consumers demand their apps to be more intuitive and give more relevant material that is tailored to their personal preferences. Developers will have to focus more on resolving pressing customer problems in the coming year, such as whether the app is secure enough or whether it requires too many user permissions, and so on.



Now that you know the scope of app development I prefer you to do some courses to gain experience in coding practices.

We have a good collection of courses at Nullclass.com which are based on an open-source and real-time based environment where you are actually able to learn how to make a working app by yourself .

Have a nice day.

November 13, 2021


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