4 Best Cloud Computing Project Ideas - NullClass

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4 Best Cloud Computing Project Ideas

4 Best Cloud Computing Project Ideas


10 Best Cloud Computing Project Ideas - GeeksforGeeks


  • Cloud Computing is responding well to the ever-changing needs of the present times. Those needs are either be of businesses or educational institutions like schools, colleges which have to be fulfilled with cost-efficient and scalable solutions. And to learn how one can implement such solutions well, it is necessary to know how the notions of cloud computing can be mapped with real-time problems. Imagining if such problems could be considered as challenges and accepted in the form of project ideas! Yes, they could be the project ideas confined to the algorithms of Natural Language Processing or Artificial Intelligence (AI) responding well to the doubts of customers or rural people.
  • Let’s take a look at a few cloud computing project ideas you must explore well for better personal learning about the computational power of cloud technology.

1. Smart Traffic Management (STM)


Smart Traffic Management: Optimizing Your City's Infrastructure Spend | Digi International

  • STM stands for Smart Traffic Management. This project uses cloud computing power to reduce the waiting time request of your vehicle at peak traffic hours primarily. Such management will be depicted by an application that can potentially simulate the movement of vehicles like three-wheelers, scooters and cars after analyzing real-time traffic. For beginners afraid of applying traffic management techniques to real-life problems, this project will help them strengthen their decision-making process. This is because they will be deriving the shortest path and time for a vehicle so that it may not get trapped by traffic congestion. Still thinking about how this project will predict the shortest path and minimum time for a vehicle! Through three-layered networks of a wireless sensor, vehicle routing, and updated coordinates of a vehicle’s source and destination, vehicles moving in modern cities can be tracked and monitored well. Later, video processing algorithms will measure the intensity of traffic influencing events like driving zones, fluctuations in weather conditions and other special events. At last, traffic data will be extracted and analyzed for improving the overall efficient vehicle to reach the destination, by picking up the available shortest path, in minimum time.

2. Chatbots

  • Chatbots are Artificially-Intelligent Softwares showing responsiveness towards the existing queries. Those queries may either be of a student or an employee, depending upon the requirements in real-times. But this project will promisingly let the beginners prepare a software whose database is cloud-based and let a student get responses for the queries she/he may enter. Are you curious to know how this project will be identifying the answers? With NLP stands for Natural Language Processing and ML stands for Machine Learning algorithms, a list of appropriate responses will be entered in those chatbots which will answer the questions (these are the input patterns) of a student in a goal-oriented manner. This is one of the reasons why the project is popular and preferred by many cloud-computing aspirants. Besides, the thing which can’t be avoided in this project is connectivity with a website you are using. After the website is linked with the chatbot, you will be able to analyze how many users have started talking with the chatbot and to what extent the project is accurately and precisely answering to the variety of visitors always waiting for someone to help them fulfill their requirements.

3. Bug Tracker


Top 15 Cloud Computing Projects Ideas for Beginners in 2021

  • Bug Trackers aren’t only excessively simple but are also very effective to use for identifying and killing a variety of bugs. These bugs may occur due to errors in communication, or syntax, calculations, or even command based errors. Thinking how such bugs may be identified in a short span! For doing the very same, a person using this tracker (who may either be an administrator, staff member, or might even be some customer) will determine the type and source of the bug just by logging in to the application through a valid username and strong password. Then, the person might review the details regarding the bug like the date of bug creation, or the time for which the bug lasted in the system, and so on. In the case that the bug isn’t related directly or is not directly related to the administrator, he/she may transfer its details to a staff member or vice versa. If need be, the bug details may also be sent to the customers if the same (i.e. bug) is causing trouble to them. The benefit will be that the customers might not be able to find solutions for that bug will directly be contacting the administrator for the much-required solutions. In this manner, the customers do not need to waste their time analyzing the searches and labels of this Bug Tracker as the administrator has already provided the solutions that can be used to detect and eliminate a bug in an even shorter span.

4. Detecting Data Leaks Using MySQL

  • Data Leaks have become very common in this pandemic era and their consequences are excessively hazardous to the innocent users. This is due to the fact that they may occur in a known or unknown manner since it already has many types. Either your password gets stolen when any of your friends might get successful in remembering the keystrokes or some ransom ware commends to take charge of your system as well as mind, all these are a type of data leaks. In this project, a system will be prepared using cloud technology whose security will be AESX Encryption based. Are you also thinking about how this will prevent the existing security vulnerabilities (for instance, an SQL Injection)? For doing this in a successful manner, the software detecting the data leaks will do the content inspection as well as the contextual analysis. Through them, the users will be categorized in accordance with the messages or the respective activities they are performing over the internet. Later, if these messages sent by a user are inviting security vulnerabilities in a knowing or the unknowing manner, such messages and the users are identified and this software (packed with DLP i.e. Data Loss Prevention solutions) will intelligently restrict and prevent those users or take some strict actions against them for preventing such type of losses in terms of money or mental health. Overall speaking, this project will ideally be ensuring the privacy and the security of your information stored on the e-commerce platforms at which you might log in daily or frequently.

Thank you for reading this blog! have a wonderful rest of your day!!

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  1. What is cloud computing?
  • Cloud computing is a delivery model that provides highly scalable, on-demand access to computer resources, including CPUs, storage, networking and other hosted software services.


  1. What are the benefits of cloud computing?
  • Cloud computing lowers IT operational costs because the cloud provider manages the underlying infrastructure, including hardware and software. Those managed components are typically more reliable and secure than the standard corporate data center. The cloud is also global, convenient, immensely scalable and easily accessible, all of which accelerate the time to create and deploy software applications.


  1. Is the cloud secure?
  • The clouds themselves are generally more secure than most private data centers since companies such as Amazon and Google can hire talented engineers and automate many of their practices.


  1. How much does the cloud cost?
  • Public clouds charge on a per-use basis, so costs will vary wildly based on multiple variables, including the size of your environment, the provider, the region you operate in, the amount of data movement and the number of higher-level services consumed.


  1. What are the 3 types of Cloud Computing?
  • Public cloud is cloud computing that is delivered via the internet and shared across organizations.
  • Private cloud is cloud computing that is dedicated solely to your organization.
  • A hybrid cloud is an environment that uses both public and private clouds.


  1. What is cloud architecture?
  • Cloud architecture refers to the various components in terms of databases, software capabilities, applications, etc. engineered to leverage the power of cloud resources to solve business problems.

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