5 Things To Consider BEFORE Building Your App - NullClass

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5 Things To Consider BEFORE Building Your App

5 Things To Consider BEFORE Building Your App


The process of app development can become a lot easier if you make a start with adequate preparations. Mobile app market today has become so competitive that just coming up with a great idea is not enough. You need to penetrate the competitive app market and have the enough investments to build a successful app. 

This article covers up all the necessary things you need to consider before building your app. 

  •  Thorough Research 

Researching will act as a guide when making necessary decisions in the app development process. You need to know what exactly is in demand and utilise that knowledge to identify your target market. Develop An app that will serve as a complete solution for your audience.

 Market research will help you to identify your competitors, the strategies used by them, strengths and weaknesses in the market, expectations of the users, etc. 

  • Platforms 

After researching you will get an idea about what your audience needs, market and competitors. Next step is about choosing the platform to launch your app.

You can pick up the right platform ( iOS or Android or both ) after knowing the target  audience. One thing you need to know is not to select  a platform based on assumptions. Choosing a platform can either make or break things for your app. 

Next step after selecting a platform is to decide what type of app to develop i.e. Native or Hybrid. 

Native apps are for a single platform with access to the features of the device. These apps are expensive and slow to develop as compared to other apps. 

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are put to use for creating a hybrid app. A hybrid app is available on both the platforms as it has code base for iOS and Android. 

  • Business Model and Revenue Model 

Generating revenue through apps is one of the varied roles that your application can play. Helping in promoting the brand or providing information resources to the customers can be other roles. 

Following is the list of revenue models if you are thinking of generating revenue from the app. 

Paid apps : most of the apps can be downloaded free from the app  store, but there is an option for paid service too. Meaning the users are required to pay to use the app.

Freemium apps : freemium  means free + premium. Meaning the app is for free to download however there are certain features for which users need to take the subscription. 

Affiliate marketing : it means showing the ads of a product or service of another brand in your app. So,  every time a user clicks or converts onto those ads, you will get the commission. 

Subscription : in this a user is demanded to take the subscription for the service, subscriptions can be monthly or yearly. 



  • Infrastructure and security 

The app needs to be managed after launching. You need to update the app regularly and track the results. You need to rely on a server and also pay for it in order to store the information of an app. 

Security is a major factor during the development of an app. The users have important private information on their devices like bank details, passwords, and much more. So security is the prime concern for any user. 

You need to ensure that your app is built on a security-first infrastructure so that your audience can trust you, otherwise they won’t trust an app that is not secured. 

Therefore it is necessary to have a place where users can store the information with adequate security. 

  • Budget and Other factors 

To announce the launching date for your app you need to know how much time the processes are going to take so that you can make a marketing plan for your app. 

Decide the budget when alignment of time frame is done. design , features etc. are the factor on which the budget is dependent. There are many things that are required for an app, once they are ready you add other attractive features to expand your budget.

Final Thoughts 

It might be exciting to develop an app of your own but diving straight into it is not a good idea. 

Use the above given points which will help in understanding what you need ready before starting to develop your app. It will also help you to choose the right Revenue model and Platforms for your app. 




November 27, 2021

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