9 extremely intriguing and Interesting Python Facts that any Python Programmer should know for sure - NullClass

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9 extremely intriguing and Interesting Python Facts that any Python Programmer should know for sure

9 extremely intriguing and Interesting Python Facts that any Python Programmer should know for sure ! 



  • Python is one of the most emerging programming languages. It is a high-level programming language that has a user-friendly syntax. It is also known to have way fewer lines of code as compared to other programming languages like C or C++ or java in an easy and simple form.
  • Python is extensively or exclusively used by many of the large organizations. Besides all these technical aspects, there are very amazing Python facts as well that would leave you quenching for more knowledge on this topic. These Python facts can be very helpful to the developer.
  • Python is an exclusive or extensive language with many interesting and amazing facts you definitely need to know.

So, let’s begin with some unique and very interesting facts about Python that will truly amaze you:

  1. Nomenclature fact of the Python programming language

  • The name ‘Python’ is extracted from a British comedy series, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. It is not named after the snake that we all thought it was. It is said that this was the favorite television series of its inventor Guido Van Rossum. He named it Python because it is very short, mysterious and unique. I mean common! When you hear the word python it’s the venomous reptile that comes across your mind and not a television show.
  1. There is an immortal and a perpetual poem written about Python

  • Tim Peters wrote an extremely interesting poem about Python which highlights or brings to our focus some of the python facts. It is very popular as “The Zen of Python”.
  • This poem is beautifully composed. You can get this poem if you write import this in your python compiler. Great, isn’t it?

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

The poem goes like this:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!

  1. Python follows the chain comparison method

  • In the Python programming language, there can be multiple comparisons or juxtapositions made at once. It is able to check several conditions at the exact same time.
  • While in the other programming languages, you can not for the life of it program a chain of comparison operators. The comparison or contrasting operators can be chained randomly or without a particular order. It does not have to follow a particular order of operators. This process is very random.
  1. Functions in the Python programming language can return multiple values at once

  • Python offers the users a feature wherein multiple values can be returned using function. It returns or provides us with the value as a tuple or row.
  • While it is not really possible with other languages for instance: Java, C, C++, C# etc.

print(“Code by TechVidvan”)

print(“This is coded on Google Colab”)

def fun():

Name = “TechVidvan”

X = 6

Return name, x;

Name, x = fun()



  1. Python does not need any compiler


The Python Interpreter - Time to Upgrade your Programming Skills - TechVidvan


  • Python relies on an interpreter. Now, in the case of an interpreter the errors or bugs are checked as we go forward with the code. i.e. the errors are checked in the same line itself. Instead in the compiler based programming languages you write a hundred line or a thousand line code and come to know the fault with your program at the end. So, you save up a lot of time with Python. Now unlike, other programming languages, it does not exactly need a compiler. The code is stored in a .pyc file. This file acts as a dynamic engine for the Python eliminating or reducing the need of any compiler.
  1. Python does not enhance or accentuate the use of pointers

  • In Python, every program is done by the reference method. It does not support pointer.
  1. Python has a variant of C and Java

  • Python has incorporated or inculcated the variants of C and Java such as CPython, Jython, etc.
  • The C variant is CPython, to give Python a short glimpse benefits or advantages of C language. It is because CPython is very advantageous in terms of performance, as it has both a compiler and an interpreter.
  • The Java variant of Python is Jython. It drops the highlighting or focusing feature of Java such as its productivity.
  1. Python supports the function unpacking


Unpacking Function Arguments in Python — SheCanCode


  • It another very interesting fact about Python. It enables you to very easily unpack a list or dictionary of all the functions you have used in your program.
  • You can unpack a list by making use of the * and dictionary by using **.

print(“Code by TechVidvan”)

print(“This is coded on Google Colab”)

def fun(a,b,c,d):


my_list = [1,2,3,4]


  1. Python can implement or execute the ‘else’ clause within the ‘for’ loop

  • Unlike other programming languages, Python is the only language that can use else within for a loop.
  • This will be true or correct only when the loop exists naturally and do not break in between the code.

print(“Code by TechVidvan”)

print(“This is coded on Google Colab”)

for i in range(1,4):



print(“Executed only if no break”)


  • There are a lot of unique and interesting facts which are there about the Python language. Python has a plethora of applications. Python has a user-friendly coding environment, so its popularity is growing with each passing day among the developers.
  • Having a glimpse or look of its facts, it can be analyzed that it is the top-most choice of a coder.

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January 11, 2022

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