9 Steps to Becoming a Full Stack Developer in 2021 - NullClass

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9 Steps to Becoming a Full Stack Developer in 2021

9 Steps to Becoming a Full Stack Developer in 2021


How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2019 : A Complete Guide -  GeeksforGeeks


A full stack development professional is the one who has got the sound technical knowledge of the key elements of the development –

  1. Front End
  2. Back End
  3. Database management
  4. Version control
  5. Operating systems
  6. System design

Among the other details of the technology.

Full stack web development is a very sought-after career option in today’s day. Companies are actively seeking developers who possess the sound specializations in these multiple fields.

However today, the definition of full stack is relatively dynamic and in some, if not all the aspects company-specific too.

For instance, cloud computing and deployment are some of the skills that a full stack developer should learn or possess along with the ones stated before. A full stack web developer eliminates the need for hiring individual role-specific people by handling the entire application themselves.

During a project’s planning phase, they are the ones who work directly with the clients to understand and comprehend the project deliverables.

What does a Full Stack Web Developer do?

So, the real question running on your mind at this stage is – how to master both simultaneously, and whether it is difficult to be a master of both?

Well, yes and no.

Initially speaking, mastering both Back End and Front End together is a futile task as you will leave out the chance of thoroughly understanding either one and then end up sabotaging both the stacks.

The best way to become a full stack developer for you is to specialize in either Front End or Back End while having a working knowledge of the other and then you keep improving the other part with the passing time.

9 Steps to Become a full stack developer

How do you become a Full Stack Developer – Step by Step Plan

Step 1 – Web development basics

The blatant error that most of the people make is to directly jump into web development without understanding the happenings in it.

Step 2 – HTML, CSS


HTML and CSS – Inline Style, External Stylesheet, CSS Code Examples


The very fundamentals for web developer are HTML and CSS.

These are used to develop static web pages. To advance your learning from here, it is recommended for you to learn advanced styling methods; start using Bootstrap (CSS part) and then move on to SCSS, Tailwind CSS, etc. There are so many other options, choose your best fit.

Step 3 – Javascript basics and DOM manipulation

Now the next step that developers take is to learn JavaScript and DOM manipulation. JavaScript may be intimidating at this stage to learn. So instead of this, you can use 3rd party plugins, namely APIs, to give life to your web pages.


Step 4 – Strengthen your foundations

Before you move onto the next big step that is learning JavaScript, you should preferably practice developing some simple dynamic websites using your current learnings of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, APIs.

Step 5 – Advanced Javascript

Before diving straight into the advanced JavaScript, it is recommended for you to familiarize yourself with jQuery. JavaScript is critical for the MERN stack as all technologies involved are JavaScript-based. Most modern websites in today’s day use ES6 (ECMAScript), so it would be good to build your knowledge in this.

Step 6 – Choose your frontend stack

Now comes the time for you to choose your frontend tech stack – React, or Angular, or Vue, etc. (JavaScript based)

As you might already know, React is a great choice and you should learn it perfectly first.

Step 7 – Strengthen your front-end skills

Mastering a library like React (or framework like Angular or Vue) is a mammoth task honestly. But you don’t need to know everything at once.

Having a working knowledge of that technology is a great start. And the best way to do so by implementing practical projects.

Step 8 – Choose your backend stack


What is the difference between Front-end vs. Back-end? | Ironhack Blog


Now you can start learning the Node.js and Express.js framework for back-end scripting. Back end development needs some if not much of critical thinking as it is the process wherein one needs to be optimized most of the times in a product. The better the back end, the more efficient and effective the application will be.

Another major concept that goes hand-in-hand with the backend is the Databases (DBMS). You can learn it as per your database preferences.


Postgres (for SQL databases) and MongoDB (for NoSQL databases) are some of the popular choices you can start off with.



Step 9 – Strengthen your backend skills

But back-end skills cannot be built in a day’s time. it requires a great deal of time and efforts for you to master your backend skills. You cannot just hope to know it all within a day’s time or even in a week’s time. for you to master your backend skills you require consistence, patience, and hard-work. It needs rigorous practice and experience. Implementing more and more projects is a great way for you to hone your skills and get a solid grip over the backend technologies.


Now, if you follow these 9 steps, I guaranty that you can become a solid full stack developer! All you need is patience, perseverance and hard work. When you are at the starting stage it might seem like too boring or mundane. But, I promise that if you continue down this path you will surely not regret it as a full-stack developer’s income is amazing! So, at the end of the day, this would all prove to be worth it!! Believe in yourself and look at the bigger picture!


Thank you so much for reading this blog!! I hope that I was able to explain to you the benefits of choosing web development as a career path! In case you have any doubts or queries, please feel free to reach out to us at any time. if you have any suggestions for me, do tell. I hope you have a fantabulously wonderful rest of your day!!





December 4, 2021

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