Creative-Based learning - NullClass

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Creative-Based learning

Education is a vital part of everyone’s life. Education builds a pathway toward a dream life you imagine and crave. It helps build an individual and through it a better society, it shows the difference between what is good and bad, and it helps educate people about the standards of living. But is education just about grades? 

Education is more than just rot learning, or about textbooks and tests. It is more than gaining knowledge from the best private school and institution. It is about how innovative it is while imparting knowledge to the seeker. It is about coming up with new trends to impart knowledge to the seeker in the most creative and latest way. Education helps one grow and develop through knowledge. 


What is creative-based learning?

It is important to impart knowledge to students creatively and innovatively. We all do remember a bit of information still back from school or college, just because it was put forth in an effective manner for us to remember until now. It’s all about how much effort and creativity it holds while casting. 

Modern education focuses on creative-based learning. This era is all about creativity and gadgets. It increases the value of everything around us, even education. So is it fair to impart knowledge in the same old methodology? 

Creative-based learning is learning through organized activities and active learning. It includes several elements like research, communication skills, creative thinking, etc. It makes the concept easier to understand and remember for a long time.

Key elements of creative based learning:

In this world to survive one has to be creative. It is easier to follow the trails of another person than to come up with something out of the box. There’s a theory proposed in creative based learning and there are a few key elements that you can find, they are as follows:

  1. Imagination

It is indeed boring to stare at the text of the book and mug up the concept just for the sake of passing a test. But what if it includes a bit of imagination? How about imagining a chapter and understanding rather than just reading and understanding? It can help understand the concept creatively.

2. Assumption

The assumption is a part of imagination. We always imagine a scenario and get to an assumption of how it might end. Assumption busting is particularly effective when one is stuck in current thinking paradigms or has run out of ideas. Assumption associates with a task and then encourages us to come up with a solution to it.

3. Brainstorming

Brainstorming might be difficult and irritating at times, but it is an important tool in creative-based learning. It helps surpass all common ideas and brainstorm something out of the box. It enables you to surpass one limit. Brainstorming can help define an issue, diagnose a problem, or possible solutions and resistance to proposed solutions.

4. Experience

It is easier to understand a topic through practice than by just understanding its structure. One doesn’t learn to cook until it is done practically. Experience is important in creative-based learning. It enables students to come up with ideas in the form of projects, and assignments related to the topic to understand the actual work behind it. 

Benefits of creative based learning

  1. Makes learning fun
  2. Allows you to express yourself
  3. Give a sense of accomplishment 
  4. Help you focus more
  5. It opens the door for lifelong knowledge

NullClass believes in learning through creative mode. We believe that education is more than just an exam or a test. We have to make it interesting and knowledgeable enough for the next generation to be eager for it. To make learning better, we have a lot of creative projects for the youth to try. We are open to new ideas, and believe we have to make the impossible possible. 


June 3, 2022

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