How to Become a Web Designer in 8 Steps - NullClass

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How to Become a Web Designer in 8 Steps

How to Become a Web Designer in 8 Steps


Web Design Process in 8 Phases | Web Design Made Easy


A career in web designing requires creativity along with the relevant technical skills. Web designers need technical proficiency to create functional websites, but they also need artistic skills and an aesthetic sensibility to create an eye appealing and a pleasing user experience. If you are both creative and technical, you might as well want to consider the field of web design. In this blog post, we explain what web designers do?  How to become a web designer? And answers to the frequently asked questions about this role.

What does a web designer do?

A web designer builds, or designs, all the elements of a website or a web page. They choose and create the visual aspects of a website, such as graphics, font, colors and also the layout. They are responsible for making websites which are aesthetically appealing as well as functional and user-friendly.

Web designers need a combination and concoction of creativity, critical thinking and technical skills to perform well in their role. They also must have a knack for business management skills to attract and manage the clients if they are freelancers.

Average web designer salary in India and other countries:

An average web designer salary in India is ₹2,87,600 per annum (₹368.70 per hour).

Web designers may work full-time for a business or agency, but are often freelancers who work for multiple clients at a time. The average salary for web designers in the U.S. is $22.27 per hour.

How could you become a web designer?


11 Things You Must Do to Become A Successful Web Designer


If you are interested in pursuing a career in the field of web designing, try following these steps:

  1. Develop the necessary skills.
  2. Earn the certifications.
  3. Create a website.
  4. Search for jobs.
  5. Build your portfolio.
  6. Market yourself in an appealing manner.
  7. Consider specializing in a particular genre.
  8. Stay updated with the current trends.
  1. Develop the necessary skills

To become a web designer, you need to be extremely proficient in the technical aspects of building websites. While you can earn a college degree to pursue a career in the field of web designing—such as an associate or bachelor’s degree in computer programming or graphic design—many web designers are self-taught. There are subject-specific courses which are available online that you can use to develop your skills. The most necessary skills for becoming a web designer include:

Graphic software

Web designers use a variety of programs—such as adobe Photoshop—to facilitate creating graphics for websites. Become familiar with these programs using research, practice or classes.

Programming languages

Most web designers need to possess at least some knowledge of basic programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript and Flash. Freelancers need to possess more coding knowledge, while web designers employed with an agency will likely work on a team that includes programmers and graphic designers so they can thrive even without possessing more of the coding related technical knowledge.

Search engine optimization or SEO

Understanding SEO techniques will further help a web designer create sites that appear prominently when the users search for certain keywords or topics.

Web design theory


TechTalk: Web Design Theory - YouTube


There are certain foundational principles that are needed for creating excellent websites, such as structure, user experience and also color theory. If you don’t attend college, you can still study this theory on your own by reading books on the subject or by doing research online.

Communication skills

Web designers need excellent communication skills to understand a client’s needs and requirements correctly implement the client’s desires and suggest their own ideas for a website.

  1. Earn certifications

Obtaining certifications in certain areas can help you further enhance your skills, boost your resume, charge a higher rate and prove your knowledge to the potential clients. Some of the common certifications for web designers to earn include:

Adobe Certified Expert

Many of the tools used by designers are made by Adobe, so this is a much respected certification and well known. You can become an ACE in a variety of programs. Each certification requires a course and an exam.

General Assembly Bootcamp

General Assembly offers a variety of Bootcamps in areas like digital marketing, web development, mobile app development, user experience and also JavaScript. Each course is taught by industry professionals and is offered both online and in-person.

Google Mobile Web Specialist

This certification from Google demonstrates your web development skills for mobile applications. The exam covers topics such as accessibility, performance optimization, mobile web forms and also progressive web applications. Google provides a free study guide to help you prepare for the exam, which you can attempt three times in your lifetime.

  1. Create a website

When you have the necessary skills, create your very own website. This site should showcase your skills to the potential clients and be your professional home page where interested clients can find your abilities, availability and prices for your services.

Update your website regularly to accurately introduce yourself, demonstrate the knowledge you possess of the trends and explain your web designer experience.

  1. Search for jobs

Begin your web design career by performing web design jobs to add to your website and portfolio and gain some experience and expertise so you can earn more clients. You can also search for job listings online if you want to work for an agency or use freelancing platforms or mediums to bid for opportunities.

  1. Build your portfolio

As you start to gain clients, create websites and become more experienced, keep an updated portfolio of your work and skills. Include examples of your work, positive client feedback and a list of your designing capabilities. You should have a version of the portfolio that you can email to the potential clients and also keep the portfolio updated on your website.

  1. Market yourself

If you want to become a freelance web designer, your success will partly depend on your ability to market yourself as well as your skill sets. While keeping your personal website and portfolio updated is an excellent start, find additional ways to make you known in the design community and to the potential clients.

Use social media handles and platforms and also professional profiles to increase your visibility. You can communicate with other web designers using online mode to stay updated on industry news and job opportunities. Build positive relationships with your clients to ensure their respect and repeat business and ask them to recommend you to people, and attend networking events to continue to develop your contacts.

  1. Consider specializing

If you focus on a particular niche or specialization of website designing, you may be able to earn recognition for your skills and gain further more clients. Consider specializing in a certain area of web design, for instance sites for e-commerce, mobile apps or sites for specific types of businesses.

  1. Stay updated with the current trends

Web design is a constantly evolving field, as technology changes quite frequently, new design methods are created and the consumer needs keep on changing. Keep learning, practicing and developing your skills to remain updated in your industry and prove to the clients that you have the knowledge and skills which are necessary to build websites that fill their needs.


These were the list of 8 steps that you need to follow in order to become a successful web designer. Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!


All the best for your endeavor in the depths of web designing!

December 9, 2021

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