How to keep your tech safe - NullClass

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How to keep your tech safe

Keeping tech safe is important as cybercrime has been increasing and has terrible consequences. To avoid these, here are tips to keep your tech safe.

1. Strong passwords.

Let’s be real. We know that your Twitter password is probably the same as the password you use for your bank account, your laptop and MySlice. This is a huge no-no, especially if your password is something short and easy for hackers to crack, like your dog’s name. To protect your personal accounts from being broken into, you should use passwords that are at least 12 characters long with a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and special characters like exclamation points.

2. Two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication is your friend. It helps ensure that you are the only person who can access your account by logging in using both something you know, like your (hopefully strong!) password, and something you have, such as a code texted to you. We get that it can be annoying to wait for a code to be texted to you before you can log in to your SUMail account, but having to enter a code along with a password adds an extra layer of security. Don’t take two-factor authentication for granted. Take the extra minute to set it up each time you create a new account!

3.Avoid opening suspicious emails.

Everyone has gotten them: emails that promise a well-paying, instant job opportunity, and all you have to do is click on a link or send along your bank account information and social security number. Phishing scams – emails sent by hackers that aim to convince you to give them your personal information – are a rising threat for college students. These hackers can pose as job recruiters, a credit card company or a social networking site and urge you to take some action to grant them access to your private information. These attacks are becoming more sophisticated, and not every phishing email is as obvious as the above example.

4. Malware

Malware is basically an umbrella term for any malicious software. Which means that viruses actually fall under the category of malware.However, while viruses are only bits and pieces of codes, other malicious software can be both pieces or whole running programs.


Years ago, hackers basically only used viruses to corrupt computers and data, but now, with the advent of more advanced technology, hackers have found other ways to harm. Which is why we needed a broader term, not just “virus”, for describing malicious software.And that is also why, we needed to invent another type of protection for ourselves.

5.Back up your data

Create a back-up copy of your data, and do this regularly. Store it somewhere other than your main workplace, if possible. That way, if there’s a break-in, fire or flood, you don’t lose everything.

6. Don’t leave paperwork or laptops unattended

Data breaches can occur when staff and volunteers leave paperwork or laptops unattended. This could be in the boot of a car, on a train, or at home. Make sure you take steps to protect the personal data you hold by being vigilant and storing it securely away when it’s not in use.

7.Make sure your Wi-Fi is secure

Using public Wi-Fi or an insecure connection could put personal data at risk, so you should make sure you always use a secure connection when connecting to the internet.

8. Keep on top of who has access to what

You have to restrict who has access to your IT systems and buildings – you can’t let just anyone in unaccompanied because this will leave your systems vulnerable. The fewer people with access, the better. Visitors should be clearly identifiable. Make sure you limit IT access to people who work for you, where possible. If someone leaves your company, or if they’re absent for long periods of time, you may want to consider suspending their access to your systems.

9. Dispose of old IT equipment and records securely

Before you get rid of them, make sure no personal data is left on personal computers, laptops, smartphones or any other devices. You could consider using deletion software, or hire a specialist to wipe the data. This will ensure no one can access information they’re not supposed to see when you dispose of the equipment.

10. Get a VPN and Use It

Any time you connect to the Internet using a Wi-Fi network that you don’t own, you should use a virtual private network or VPN. Say you go to a coffee shop and connect to a free Wi-Fi network. You don’t know anything about the security of that connection. It’s possible that someone else on that network, without you knowing, could start looking through or stealing the files and data sent from your laptop or mobile device. The hotspot owner might be a crook, sniffing out secrets from all Wi-Fi connections. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic, routing it through a server owned by the VPN company. That means nobody, not even the owner of the free Wi-Fi network, can snoop on your data.


July 7, 2022

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