How to Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry - NullClass

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How to Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry

How to Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry



Rather than prancing straight into the specifics of this blog post let us first understand what Sentry AWS means.


  • The best way to get started with Sentry on AWS is to use our pre-configured Sentry on AWS Lambda functions. Using these functions, you can build a secure, scalable, and fully-featured monitoring system in minutes. No servers, no DevOps, no headaches. All you need to do is use our configuration, tweak a few things, and you’re good to go.
  • Sentry is an application performance monitoring tool that helps developers find and fix bugs in their applications. One of the ways we do this is by detecting when an application is running slowly or has an error. We do this by running small snippets of code, called functions, in the background on a cloud platform called AWS Lambda. One of the most popular ways to build apps today is by using a service called Amazon Web Services, also known as AWS.
  • You’ve decided to build an app. Congratulations! You’re in the right place. With the right toolset, building an app can be a quick and easy process.
  • Now, we will have a glance into how we can Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry .


How can we monitor python functions on AWS lambda with Sentry


How to Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry - Full Stack Python


  • Have you ever wanted to keep an eye on your functions in AWS Lambda, but found it difficult to do so? You don’t want to be stuck in an endless cycle of checking your logs, hoping you’ll catch an error when it happens, only to find out about it after the fact. You want to know as soon as there’s an error so you can fix it before it causes impact to your users. The good news is, Sentry makes it easy to do just that!
  • Monitoring is a crucial step in the development process. It helps detect bugs and pinpoint performance issues, and it’s the first step to improving the user experience. You can use Sentry to monitor your Python functions on AWS Lambda. Sentry provides rich logs and error reporting so you can see how your functions are performing and make adjustments as necessary.
  • As a software engineer, you’ve probably been asked to build an app once or twice in your career. No matter how simple or complex the app, there are certain steps you should take before you even think about designing or developing your app. The first step is a little vague but is something you should do regardless of what stage of app development you’re in. It’s to create a “minimum viable product” or MVP.

How do we access the AWS using Lambda?


  • The AWS Lambda service is an event-driven computing platform that allows you to build and run applications without having to worry about the infrastructure required to host and run them. With Lambda, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale server infrastructure. Instead, you write code, which is called a Lambda function, and upload it to the Lambda service. The service then runs your code on a high-dedicated server whenever it is triggered by an event, such as an Amazon S3 object being uploaded or an Amazon SNS topic being published.
  • One of the most exciting things about being a developer today is the access we have to the cloud—and the ability to build apps that harness its power. One of the most exciting offerings in the cloud is the AWS Lambda service. This platform gives you the ability to build an app without having to manage infrastructure. It’s the ultimate no-ops app platform.
  • Accessing the AWS Lambda service is the first step in getting started with app development. The service is the backbone of many other services that run in the AWS platform, and it allows you to build applications that respond to events or changes in the system. To get started, all you need to do is log in to the AWS management console and click “turn on the AWS Lambda service,” at which point you can start developing your app! You don’t even need to provision or pay for any servers, which means you can get started for free.

Testing of the code and application  


Application Testing - Application Testing Tools and Methodologies


Python is one of the most frequently used programming languages in the world. It’s easy to learn, highly versatile, and has a lot of libraries available. It’s also one of the most popular languages for building web applications. But have you ever wondered how a mobile app is built?

  • Developing an app is a big deal. You’ve spent days, weeks, or even months working on a project only to realize that you have to release it to the world. This is a nerve-wracking experience, but it doesn’t have to be scary. There are a lot of decisions that you need to make before you get started with app development, such as what platform to build on, what technology stack to use, and so on.
  • Now that you have made your app it is time for you to run your code for bugs and errors. No matter how you start you check for errors and bugs so that are sure that you have created the perfect app.
  • There are a number of steps that you need to follow in order to be equipped with the knowledge of How to Monitor Python Functions on AWS Lambda with Sentry
  • Once you have followed these steps you will not have to worry about anything else going wrong. As we have already discussed in this blog post previously, first thing you need to do is access the AWS lambda service. Then, test the starter python app. The easiest way to add Sentry to Lambda for this application is to configure an AWS Lambda Layer with the necessary dependency for Sentry. Sentry has concise documentation on addin gvia Lambda Layers so we will walk through that way to configure it and test it out.


Thank you for reading this blog. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. To know about Industrial Based Learning , projects and training make sure to register yourself at NullClass now !

January 19, 2022

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