Project Based Learning: New Process of Learning - NullClass

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Project Based Learning: New Process of Learning

Education has developed and still has been developing. Due to new technology, the world is changing for the better and easier than before. New advancements are introducing new programmes and techniques for the betterment of students. Education has been changed from Gurukul to online classes in the present era. Modern technique of learning is project based learning.



What is Project based learning?

Project based learning is not just learning by doing a project, it helps understand and remember concepts through practical experience. It is an approach to help students develop knowledge and skills through real-time projects. It is one of the effective modes of learning.

According to a survey, students basically thrive to pursue a degree or just pass the exam through rote learning. In this process, the concept doesn’t last for more than a week. Project based learning is far better than rote learning. Even though schools give projects and assignments, it still doesn’t enhance the value of education. Project based learning gives authentic experience to the students.




Key elements of project based learning:


Project based learning focused on experiential learning and discovery learning. It teaches the students about thorough research and effective ways of presenting the matter. The following are its key elements:

1)Helps the student to research and respond and solve the subject matter.
2)Project based learning helps generate questions and curiosity as it helps students seek answers.
3)Uses skills like creative thinking, critical thinking and analytical skills while learning and solving problems.
4)Opens doors for feedback and revision of the project.
5)Students are given the opportunity to present the problem, do research, discuss and learn with one another.


Benefits of project based learning:

1)Deeper engagement and interaction among students
2)Encourage higher order thinking and problem-solving skills
3)Development of peer and professional networks at early age
4)Engagement with potential employers and career mentors
5)Fostering collaboration and communication
6)A sense of mastery and self-efficacy among students
7)Gain valuable career insights through projects.


Project based learning can also benefit Universities and colleges. It helps attract students by helping them improve employability. It also helps foster partnership with industries. It gives access to talented students, students who are eager to learn and apply practical skills in the world.

Project based learning helps build relationships, develop communication skills and improve listening skills. It also has a positive effect on personality as well. Students can apply creative thinking skills to innovate new product designs and possibilities for projects.
Students find their voice and learn to take pride in their work, boosting their purpose.



NullClass and project based learning:

NullClass believes in providing students the best quality education through projects and practical knowledge. The projects we offer are of industrial standard to help students learn outside the basic education. We believe in traditional education that helps students learn through our projects.

We have a wide range of projects that are real-time based. We teach students from the basics and prepare them to achieve their dreams. Our mentors are skillful and clear their doubts anytime they need. We offer paid internships after they complete our courses. We offer projects like building apps like Netflix, WhatsApp and games like zombie shooter and temple run. If you believe in project based learning and looking for projects sign up.

May 18, 2022

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