Project Management Methodologies For Mobile App Development - NullClass

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Project Management Methodologies For Mobile App Development

Project Management Methodologies For Mobile App Development

The process of mobile app development requires a special type of management. This process needs coordinating the various underlying activities and resources involved that will lead to success. 

In this article, we have provided the new and traditional options that will help you to determine a suitable framework for your project. Here are some top project management methodologies for your app development. 


Agile Methodology 

The Agile methodology is specifically adopted for the development of sophisticated software. The iterations allowed by this framework help in minimizing the mistakes and errors that commonly occur. 

The project is divided into a series of development cycles that are assigned to each professional on the team working for the project. Throughout the mobile app development lifecycle, changes are accommodated in the project requirements. 


Following are some other methodologies that fall under the Agile umbrella.


  • Feature Driven Development (FDD) : This model focuses on  the features as the name suggests. It features a series of iterations and inspections. High level of design and expertise is demanded. 
  • Lean software development : This model aims at optimizing time and reducing cost, effort and waste. It is the integration of Agile methodology and lean manufacturing principles and practices. 
  • Scrum : this model puts emphasis on teamwork, iteration and accountability. It focuses on management aspects of software development in intricate knowledge work, research and advanced technologies. 
  • Crystal Methods : This model focuses on interaction and communication between team members and their talents and skills. It groups the projects in terms of criticality, priorities and team size. 
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD) / Rapid Application Building (RAB) : With the use of prototyping and iterative development, it focuses on timely delivery in a fast-paced  environment.
  • Adaptive Software Development (ASD) : This model is an outgrowth of the RAD that facilitates continuous adaptation to change in the project requirements or market needs.
  • Dynamic System Development Method : With governance of strict guidelines, this model is an iterative and incremental Agile approach based on RAD. 
  • Extreme Programming (XP) : This model focuses on software quality and responsiveness with giving importance to the changing needs of clients. It features high level collaboration with minimal documentation. 
  • Kanban : To develop software in a long development cycle, this framework utilizes a lean manufacturing scheduling system. The goal is to manage and improve flow systems in mobile app development. 

Waterfall Methodology 

The waterfall model was cherished by every developer before user experience was a determining factor in mobile app development. The execution of phases is done sequentially, meaning one phase should be entirely completed before moving on to the next one.

It is a complete process from start to end, so you are able to make changes only in the maintenance state that comes after launching the product. 


Prototype Methodology 

This method is also called Evolutionary design or Incremental development. It is a refined version of Waterfall methodology as it allows for changes during the design phase with the use of prototypes. You need to fully understand the requirements of the project before starting with the design, the prototype method is the solution for this idea. 

Before proceeding to the development stage this framework subjects the prototype to client evaluation. Through the use of prototyping and client feedback it has reduced the risk of failure. 


Spiral Methodology

This methodology is the risk-driven model in mobile app development. This framework is a combination of Waterfall methodology and iteration. It uses more than one method in its process and relies on the risk pattern of the project.

You need to set the requirements for each phase of the framework. The number of stages in  this method are dependent on project risk. Hence , it is a suitable method for big and complex projects having high risk.


Lean Startup Methodology

To offer a scientific solution for startups is the main idea behind this methodology. The framework has found application in mobile app development as it is a principled approach to new product development. 

To initiate mobile development it requires a minimum viable product (MVP). This methodology allows you to build, measure and learn from the mobile app you develop. It gives emphasis to build and launch mobile apps faster and at a lower cost. 

End lines 

There are many project methodology options for your mobile app development. There are terms you need to think of before choosing the right solution such as; scope, time, change, risk, cost, and quality. It is necessary for you to understand the nature of your app development project which will help you to pick up the right methodology. 

Hope that this article helped you to know about top methodologies used in mobile app development.  



November 26, 2021

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