Learn To Build Real Time Video Streaming App Like Netflix - Java - NullClass

Special Sale the courses from 497 rs for limited time.

Do you remember the time when you and your siblings used to fight for the TV remote? Those days now belong to the past. With online movie streaming android services, you are free to watch anything, anytime, and on different platforms.


The  video  streaming  industry  has  an estimated worth over $125 billion in coming five  years.  There’s  no  better  time  to  start  on  this  journey  and  be  a  part  of  this expanding market.


Now, before beginning with the technicalities, let’s understand what netflix is and how it has become No.1 streaming platform.


Netflix is currently leading the video streaming market. Something that started as a DVD-by-mail company in 1997 is worth over 118 million paid subscribers. But, what is the reason behind this popularity?

Netflix started by launching a web-page. They modified the “pay per rental” scheme

into   a   “monthly  subscription”  model.   Netflix   focused   on   online   streaming services  and  it  worked.  In  2008,  netflix finally introduced the streaming service we all have.

Today, the company has earned praise for its original shows, television classics, and movies.  Netflix  estimated its revenue as high as $17.3 billion in 2019. Let’s begin with our journey to build an android video streaming application like Netflix.

About the training:

Candidates who wish to enroll for the course will be required to perform the following tasks:

  • Student will be required to attend the training through 17+ hours of video series. Student will be able to access the videos available under the curriculum column.
  • Once the student has completed the video lectures, they will receive a mail

regarding the project that he or she will be required to implement.

  • The student will be required to share their project’s APK and code to us as soon as he/she completes the task.


  1. PC or Laptop with any OS
  2. Interest to learn android.

What You Will Learn:

  • Andriod Studio Download
  • Java
  • Firebaseauthentication
  • firebase
  • firestore
  • Email id Login and validation
  • Data validation
  • Pattern matching
  • exceprtion handling
  • Debugging
  • Date validation
  • Automatic login
  • unit testing
  • ui testing
  • Retrofit
  • Glide
  • Json
  • Volley
  • Api
  • Payment Gateway through razorpay
  • Json converter
  • Splash Screen
  • Recycler View
  • Card View
  • Github
  • AndriodX
  • Bottom Navigation view
  • Different Layouts
  • Dialog box

Features and benefits:

  • After completing the training, you will be able to build a real-world streaming application just like netflix.
  • MNCs require experience and some hard-earned projects in your skills. After the training, you will have access to both.
  • You will receive a professional mentoring which will make you ready for the
  • With the knowledge on how to make a streaming application, you can monetize yourself and start freelancing.

Perks received:

  • Students will get access to one mentor until the completion of training. Students will be able to ask doubts via posting on a portal or directly messaging to the mentor.
  • Students will get Paid internship in NullClass after completing the course
  • WhatsApp support: Students will have access to the premium whatsapp group once they are enrolled in this training where they can directly ask questions to the mentors.
  • Team viewer support: In case the doubts are not resolved, students will be able to connect to the mentors and share the screen through the team viewer in order to have a more clear solution for their doubts. https://www.teamviewer.com/en/
  • After the successful completion of the course, students will receive a course completion certificate, internship certificate, experience letter, and letter of recommendation.

Guaranteed Internship

Training Requirement: Students must enroll in a Real-time Training course at Nullclass.

Training Completion: Upon successful completion of the training Project, students will receive training completion certificate.

Internship Opportunity: Guaranteed internship upon Successful completion of training.

Internship Tasks: During the internship period, participants will be assigned tasks aligned with their chosen domain and training Project.

Internship Completion Benefits: Upon Successful completion of assigned tasks, interns will receive:
– Internship completion certificate
– Experience certificate
– Stipend of 3k
– Letter of Recommendation (LOR)

Exceptional Performance Rewards: Exceptional performance may lead to:
– Job recommendations
– Job opportunities
24×7 Mentor Support:

24/7 mentor support is available throughout the training period.

Available Internships:

  • Android App Development
  • Android Course Creation
  • Mentor Support
  • Technical Blog Writing on Android App development


Refund Policy:

  • Our refund policy allows for a 100% refund within the initial 5 days of enrollment. However, please be aware that this policy is not applicable once an individual has completed 30% or more of the training course they enrolled in.



1. Will students receive paid internships after completing the training course?
– Yes, every student will receive a paid internship opportunity at NullClass upon successful completion of the training course.

2. Is mentor support available during the training?
– Absolutely, mentor support is provided to every student throughout their training completion.

3. Do you offer 24/7 support?
– Certainly, students can reach out to us anytime for assistance and query resolution.

4. How is daily progress monitored?
– Our training is self-paced, allowing students to progress at their own speed. However, during the internship, we diligently track your progression with daily updates.

5. Will students gain real industry experience?
– Yes, our curriculum ensures students receive exposure to current industry practices, providing them with invaluable real-world experience.

6. Do students receive completion certificates?
– Upon successful completion of both the training and internship, students will be awarded training completion certificates along with internship completion certificates.

7. Are job recommendations provided?
– Certainly, students will receive job recommendations from NullClass to assist them in their career endeavors.

8. What sets your training apart from others?
– NullClass offers unique insights into the industry and provides job recommendations based on individual performance, potentially leading to job opportunities within NullClass itself for exceptional performers.

9. Are demo classes available?
– Yes, students can experience a demo of our training before enrolling to ensure it meets their expectations.

10. How can one join the internship or make inquiries during the internship?
– For inquiries or to join the internship, please reach out to us at +91 81488 13025 or mail us at training@legacy.nullclass.com


Teacher, Author, CEO

The founder wants to make it possible for every individual struggling to find a job, to accomplish more, and live life on their terms. Determined and optimistic, he has spent countless hours in his venture to solve students’ problems, both academic and personal.... The founder wants to make it possible for every individual struggling to find a job, to accomplish more, and live life on their terms. Determined and optimistic, he has spent countless hours in his venture to solve students’ problems, both academic and personal.

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Course Curriculum

Section 1 : Introduction
Netflix Demo FREE 00:17:00
Netflix Introduction and basics FREE 00:13:00
Netflix Source Code 00:00:00
Section 2: Programming Basics
Programming Basics 1 00:14:00
Programming Basics 2 00:31:00
Programming Basics 3 FREE 00:10:00
Programming Basics 4 00:22:00
Section 3: Creation of Netflix App
Netflix final splash screen 00:31:00
Netflix Sign In Part 1 00:32:00
Netflix Sign In Part 2 00:35:00
Netflix Sign In Part 3 00:19:00
Netflix Swipe Screen Part 1 00:35:00
Netflix Swipe Screen Part 2 00:32:00
Netflix Swipe Screen Part 3 00:43:00
Netflix Step One Part 1 00:50:00
Netflix Step one Part 2 00:30:00
Netflix Choose Your Plan part 1 00:50:00
Netflix Choose Your Plan Part 2 00:45:00
Netflix Finish Up Account 00:32:00
Netflix Step Two Part 1 00:35:00
Netflix Step two part 2 00:19:00
Netflix Step three 00:45:00
Netflix Payment Gateway UI 00:53:00
Netflix Payment gateway UI Part 2 00:00:00
Netflix Payment Gateway java 1 00:46:00
Netflix Payment gateway Java 1.2 00:01:00
Netflix Payment gateway java Part 2 00:31:00
Netflix Sign In and Sign Up Backend 00:17:00
Netflix Step Two Backend BackEnd 00:33:00
Netflix backend 1.1 00:38:00
Netflix Backend 1.2 00:44:00
Netflix Backend 1.3 00:44:00
Netflix Backend 1.4 01:00:00
Netflix backend 1.5 00:25:00
Netflix New API 00:11:00
Netflix API Fetching Data Part 1 00:04:00
Netflix Toolbars for main screens 00:34:00
Netflix Bottom Navigation Java 00:18:00
Netflix Bottom Navigation UI 00:20:00
Netflix API Fetching data part 2 00:49:00
Netflix API fetching data part 3 00:16:00
Netflix API fetching data part 4 00:20:00
Netflix API Fetching Data Part 5 00:51:00
Netflix Movie Details FREE 00:21:00
Netflix Video Player FREE 00:24:00
Netflix Settings 00:19:00
Netflix Settings 2 00:18:00
Netflix Backend 1.6 01:15:00
Netflix App Unit Testing 00:33:00
Netflix Internet Connection Error 00:20:00
Netflix GitHub Create Account 00:09:00
Netflix GitHub Upload Project 00:06:00

Perks and Benefits


Students will get an internship certificate.


Students will be able to connect with mentors to resolve doubts.


Students will get a stipend of ₹3000 if they complete the internship task in 30 days.

Refund policy

Our refund policy allows for a 100% refund within the initial 5 days of enrollment. However, please be aware that this policy is not applicable once an individual has completed 30% or more of the training course they enrolled in.


76 ratings
  • 5 stars48
  • 4 stars27
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  • 1 stars1
  1. Good one..


    Good comprehensive course

  2. Easy way to become a 'PRO'


    I enjoyed learn the new skills for Android App Development courses, which allows me to create real apps like Netflix of my own. Learning from the instructor and the easy to follow step gave me motivation and wanting to learn more. I have taken 3 courses so far and enjoyed all 3 learned a lot.

  3. 5

    I have been a fan of NullClass for a long time and currently doing Netflix App Development Course I find the platform user friendly and you can contact the instructors no matter how long ago the course was posted.

  4. Best Real-Time E-learning platform


    NullClass is an excellent platform to Learn and Train as an Android App Developer and we had a great exposure in building real apps of our own which is damn worth. One of the things I admire about the teaching and guiding ways were excellent. I had a great experience in building my own real apps in Real Industry

  5. Good Course


    This is the best course I’ve ever attended so far. NullClass has taken so much effort
    to make this an exhaustive course covering all aspects of app development including
    minute details like code shortcuts, best practices, useful websites etc… I would highly
    recommend this course.

  6. 5

    Oh my God, taking this course was pretty much like giving a glass of water to
    somebody living in hell, I mean with all these options you got, going to college, books
    and all that stuff there is no other person as good as a programming training
    platform as NullClass, I've poured thousands of dollars on trying to learn all this stuff
    in college but it's been just a waste of money and time. 100% recommended, learning
    android development really changed my life in a big way tbh!

  7. 4

    Great and simple, will recommend. A lot of helpers and solutions, it teaches step
    by step need to be patience.

  8. 5

    I am still halfway but, Dear God! I am always learning something new even though
    I already have a diploma in android development. What I like the most is that you are
    given a chance to try it yourself first, not just learning without practice.

  9. 4

    Thank you NullCLass, for providing a perfect course for Android Pro Applock. It
    has been a great coding journey!

  10. 5

    Nice explanation for each and every line of code, your way of teaching is very
    excellent. I can easily understand the connection between Android studio and java
    and how codes operate the application. Now I have the confidence to develop the

  11. 5

    Great course! I already have some background experience with programming, so I
    was able to fast forward a little bit. However all lectures were somehow useful and of
    course there is a lot you can do on your own after this to improve learning.

  12. 4

    The course was good, taking it slowly in the beginning so the students got
    familiarised with the environment.

  13. 5

    It's been a great journey for me in android development. In the beginning, I didn't
    know a little of it, after a few lectures by consistently following the instructor, things
    would be going well. In the end, I could be able to design a full flesh android

  14. 5

    Well done to NullClass for an amazing course. Everything I expected and much,
    much more. I will definitely be looking at doing a lot more of your courses, as I
    enjoyed the way that you presented this course and the passion you have when
    creating these courses.

  15. 5

    The method of teaching is clever. All described in detail even the search method on
    google. And after that, you will be able to write your own codes alone.

  16. 5

    Gosh. I'm surprised how good this course is. I'm only 20% through (up to section
    7) so just want to point out that the course content has exactly what I need to get
    started. Thank you!

  17. 4

    Everything is explained in a very easy way to understand, instructors have great
    knowledge about all topics in this course.

  18. 4

    Great course. I feel like I've learned so much but it's opened my eyes to how vast
    the world of android development is. I look forward to learning much more on my
    road to becoming an android developer

  19. good course


    Very good course and a lot of well explained. Good Community support

  20. 5

    I think this course is really one of the best courses I have seen. I do recommend
    people to have basic knowledge of Java before starting this course. But other than
    that, course material and assignments are really great and outstanding.

  21. 4

    Nice and neat explanation by the instructor, The content is up to date and also the
    free stuff is very useful . All the questions I posted in the Q&A section were answered
    pretty Well.

  22. 5

    Very well explained, this course caters to all the expectations.

  23. 5

    Excellent course. The teacher is really interesting. The content is well explained,
    well organised and covers a lot.

  24. 5

    This course is much more helpful than I anticipated. I would definitely
    recommend this course to my friends and others who are interested in learning to
    make an android app.

  25. 5

    Amazing is the word that suits this course. I always wanted to create an app but
    didn't know where to start. I heard about NullClass and chose this course to give it a

  26. 5

    5 stars for the course. From being a newbie on Android, this course got me going.
    All the sections and topics are so well explained.

  27. best course


    The course is really really excellent and helped me a lot in better understanding of android studio and it's real world application.Thank You so much for this wonderful course NullClass

  28. Netflix


    I like the course but i am very sorry that I can't pursue it

  29. Nice


    Great learning experience. Thanks for the opportunity

  30. Online movie


    this is one of the best courses on android app development out there. It took me one month and four days to complete this course. Thank you NullClass for this course!

  31. you cant find anywhere


    initially i enrolled in this course just to get my friend off of my back. But, as I started attending the lectures and learning things I started to really enjoy this course. Thank you Sneha for introducing me to nullclass!

  32. Best Experience


    This course on how to develop your very own Netflix app is a wonderful opportunity to begin your app development journey. This is the perfect place to start from. Thank you nullclass for this wonderful opportunity!

  33. wonderful opportunity


    this course by NullClass on how to build your very own Netflix app is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who has just gotten into the world of Android app development or is an intermediate level android app developer!

  34. real-world


    It was good, informative, and comprehensive. I learned a lot from this single course, and the best part is that the lessons Nullclass taught are real-world, which means they can be implemented in our day-to-day life.

  35. highly helpful


    "This course is highly helpful.
    Thank you, Nullclass.
    You have really worked hard to create this course…

  36. best practices


    It’s an excellent and up-to-date course! Everything is beautifully explained, well-organized and easy to follow. The instructor also includes best practices for the field. I loved that you can apply new concepts right away, rather than going through many Java/Kotlin concepts in one section. I took other courses before and this one is the best one by far. Looking forward to more content. Thank you, Nullclass!

  37. perfect information


    The instructor is very clear and has a lot of perfect information to share, even if you're well-versed in programming fundamentals. His examples and code are straight-forward and helpful, and I'm learning a lot!

  38. creating my first App project


    "I am creating my first App project, watching this course and this is so overwhelming. I already learned a python, Kotlin and little Java from your course.

  39. Stunning!


    Stunning! Thank you Nullclass for creating a path for me to build a complex app like Netflix and guiding me through it.

  40. Truly fascinating experience


    Truly fascinating experience! I understood the meaning of Fun- learning by enrolling in this course. Building a real time app is not a child's play, but this course taught me in a way that now I really feel like a child who is playing the game of building apps. Joining this course was the most rightful thing I ever did. Thank you Nullclass.

  41. own Netflix app


    i just completed this course by nullclass on how to develop your very own Netflix app and let me tell you, its pretty good and a lot easier than all those wannabe courses!

  42. the best by far


    I have enrolled in several app development courses till date but this one is the best by far due to the following reasons-
    1. It is self paced
    2. Staff is very supportive
    3. Easy to understand and comprehend
    4. Easy to follow
    5. Taught using real world examples

  43. best feature


    The best feature of this course is that it is self paced and easy to understand.

  44. Course experience


    Learn lots of amazing things

  45. good


    I have attended several app development courses before this one but none of them appealed to me quite as much

  46. real world examples


     the best thing about this course is that it is explained using real world examples so it feels a lot relatable

  47. Good


    Easy to understand

  48. good


     I just completed this course and I'm in love with the Netflix I have created. It was not as tough as it seemed at first! All you need is perseverance, hardwork and patience

  49. own netflix


    I'm so Happy that I enrolled in this course by nullclass on how to develop your very own netflix app! I just finished the course and have created my app

  50. own netflix app


     this course by nullclass on how to develop your very own netflix app is truly amazing! It's so easy to understand that even beginners can easily understand it! And it is based on real world examples

  51. friendly and helpful


    this course is truly amazing. The best thing is it is self paced and is quick to comprehend. The staff is super friendly and helpful. Thank god i found this course.

  52. hell of a Ride


    ott platforms like Netflix and amazon prime are really great apps as they have literally all the series in all languages. You can even watch animes or cartoons or web series or even Tamil and telgu or Bollywood movies. Learning how to create my very own ott platform app like Netflix has been a hell of a Ride. I really loved this course

  53. very distinctive and commendable


    I like the ideas and concepts that nullclass had come up with in order to explain the logics. Their way or Explaining is very distinctive and commendable. 

  54. Netflix


    Good Course . I have learned lots of things from this course.

  55. Review


    Good learning

  56. Netflix app


    It is cool to watch series, but what was more cool? To build an app like Netflix. This is really unexpected for me to try but I did it anyway. NullClass truly has good projects to try.

  57. Good


    This project was very good.

  58. Real-time Netflix app


    I began with this course and i recently completed it. The overall experience was great and i am happy to complete this project through NullClass. It was good

  59. Netflix app


    NullClass really has new age real-time projects. This is one of the coolest projects I've ever worked on. This is indeed good for beginners and worth giving a try.

  60. Netflix


    This course is truly one of a kind. Am a matured student planning to go back to study. Trying to navigate and prepare myself for the academic world. I loved this course, it was very objective and direct. I'm sure it will be very useful in my life as a student and as a professional.

  61. Indeed good course


    Overall I love all the classes I have taken through NullClass. All the instructors are kind and patient. They are very experienced in the programs they are teaching. I have recommended this site to all my friends, family, and employer. I look forward to taking more classes from NullClass

  62. Overall good one


    This has complete in detail about the project, I specially was curious to learn publishing to github.

  63. All concepts were cleared


    I really liked the flexibility of this course. It worked well with busy scheduling, and the expectations were clear and upfront.

  64. Netflix project


    It's very good ...

  65. Nice


    Everything was easy to understand

  66. I liked the course very much


    Made me learn something amazing with full passion

  67. This course was very good and it is easy to understand and make the project.


    My review is this course helps me in understanding in java code and making in android app. This helps me lot.

  68. About Netflix Project


    It was an amazing course
    Learnt a lot from this and will definitely build many more projects

  69. Course completion


    Strong Confident, its strongly enhance my skill. I feel good for learning all new these things. Course curriculum is excellent.

  70. Internship as a Java developer


    It's very nice,the teaching and all, programing knowledge outstanding

  71. Thanks for offering this platform, worked fine


    Just one of the best learning experiences from NullClass. I particularly love the
    analogies used by NullClass In order to learn new concepts and techniques.

  72. helpful


    it was very informative and helpful

  73. Very Nice


    This Course is very fantastic and Definity it is helpful in my future projects. I learn lots of concepts and integrate them in project.

  74. site is very slow resulting in lot of time wastage


    site is very slow resulting in lot of time wastage

Courses > Learn To Build Real Time Video Streaming App Like Netflix - Java

Learn To Build Real Time Video Streaming App Like Netflix - Java

4.6( 76 REVIEWS )

Overview Do you remember the time when you and your siblings used to fight for …
