Learn To Build a Real Time App Like WhatsApp - Java - NullClass

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Learn To Build a Real Time App Like WhatsApp – Java

  • Do you also love chatting? Are you also fascinated with apps like WhatsApp and signal? You can voice call someone using the Internet or even video call someone, you can simple press a button to send an audio message as well. In today’s advancing world it is very significant to move forward with the technology or you will definitely be left behind. Using a smart chatting app like WhatsApp is not only trendy, but also feasible. If you are interested in building an app like WhatsApp then you have definitely come to the right place! NullClass is here with yet another trendy course which will definitely solve your problem! Here you will not only learn the theoretical aspects of developing an app but also, the practical knowledge to work with in the real world.


  • What does whatsapp app do? WhatsApp is free to download messenger app for smartphones. WhatsApp uses the internet to send messages, images, audio or video. The service is very similar to text messaging services, however, because WhatsApp uses the internet to send messages, the cost of using WhatsApp is significantly less than texting.
  • Text Messages
  • Group Chat
  • End-to-End Encryption
  • Voice and Video Calls
  • Conference Calls
  • Photo Sharing
  • Voice Message
  • Status
  • Document Sharing Upto 100M
What will you be learning? 
  • Andriod Studio Download
  • Java
  • Firebaseauthentication
  • firebase
  • firestorfirebase crashlatics
  • Email id Login and validation
  • PhoneNumber Authentication
  • Data validation
  • Pattern matching
  • exceprtion handling
  • Debugging
  • Date validation
  • Automatic login
  • unit testing
  • ui testing
  • Glide
  • Api
  • Splash Screen
  • Recycler View
  • Card View
  • Github
  • Tab Layout view
  • Different Layouts
  • Dialog box
  • Alertdialog box
  • Toolbar
  • Status
  • Chat contacts
  • Database reference
  • Requests to contacts
  • File transfer
  • Storage reference
  • Settings Activity
  • Profile Activity
 For More Information on Real Time Projects with Free source code for android development make sure to register yourself to NullClass now !
October 18, 2021
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