Learn to Build Real Time Classified app like OLX – Kotlin - NullClass

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Learn to Build Real Time Classified app like OLX – Kotlin

The  rise  of  the  E-commerce  industry  has  directly impacted micro, small & medium enterprises  (MSME)  in  India  by  providing  a  road  to  financing,  technology  and training  along  with  a  favourable cascading effect on other industries as well. Indian E-commerce and reselling industry has been on an upward growth path and is soon expected  to  surpass  the  US to become the second largest E-commerce and reselling market in the world by 2034.


Technology   enabled   innovations   such  as  digital  payments,  hyper-local  logistics, analytics  driven  customer  engagement  and  digital  advertisements  is  working  as  a great  support  for  the  growth  in  the  sector.  The  growth  in  the  E-commerce  and reselling   sector   is   also   boosting  employment,  increasing  revenues  from  export, increasing  tax collection by ex-chequers, and providing better products and services to  customers  in  the  long-term.  Rise in smartphone usage is also expected to rise by whooping 84 per cent to reach 859 million by 2022.


Before beginning with the course details, let’s understand how e-commerce is important and has become an inevitable part of our lives:


Irrespective of how long you have you been planning to create an e-commerce app, are you someone who’s still not sure about taking your supplies to stores, grocery shops, and supermarkets online?

The world is going mobile. There is hardly any case of total cut-off. Because a mobile world ensures connectivity, across boundaries, across regions, across districts and domains. Online delivery and selling of essential goods and services has become a government priority. Even in regions where it was unpopular, the capacity is being created.


Here are our reasons why you should definitely try building this application if you are into android app development:


  • People love to shop online.
  • Small businesses perform better through mobile solutions.
  • It is essential to recognise the millennial trend. Because they are going to become the future customers. Marketing analysts show that nearly 60% of millennials use mobile devices for selling and reselling


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What You Will Learn:

  • Programming Basics
  • Kotlin Basics
  • Android Basics
  • Bottom Navigation View
  • Android Permission
  • Splash Screen
  • Android Callback
  • Android Location Service
  • Google Login
  • Firebase
  • MVVM
  • Android Layouts
  • Shared Preferences
  • Firebase Auth
  • Facebook Login
  • Android Basics
  • Fragments
  • Recyclerview
  • Firestore
  • Material Store
  • Github
  • Differnt Layouts
  • Debugging
  • Unit Testing


October 10, 2021
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