Learn To Build Real Time Video Streaming App Like Netflix – Java - NullClass

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Learn To Build Real Time Video Streaming App Like Netflix – Java

Do you remember the time when you and your siblings used to fight for the TV remote? Those days now belong to the past. With online movie streaming android services, you are free to watch anything, anytime, and on different platforms.


The  video  streaming  industry  has  an estimated worth over $125 billion in coming five  years.  There’s  no  better  time  to  start  on  this  journey  and  be  a  part  of  this expanding market.


Now, before beginning with the technicalities, let’s understand what netflix is and how it has become No.1 streaming platform.


Netflix is currently leading the video streaming market. Something that started as a DVD-by-mail company in 1997 is worth over 118 million paid subscribers. But, what is the reason behind this popularity?

Netflix started by launching a web-page. They modified the “pay per rental” scheme

into   a   “monthly  subscription”  model.   Netflix   focused   on   online   streaming services  and  it  worked.  In  2008,  netflix finally introduced the streaming service we all have.

Today, the company has earned praise for its original shows, television classics, and movies.  Netflix  estimated its revenue as high as $17.3 billion in 2019. Let’s begin with our journey to build an android video streaming application like Netflix.


  • Profile Verticiation
  • Collect money using payment gateway
  • Protect Content Digitally
  • Multiple Accounts
  • Favorite shows
  • Stream over low bandwidth
  • Watch 4K Ultra HD
  • Setup Subtitles
  • Recurring Subscriptions


What You Will Learn:

  • Andriod Studio Download
  • Java
  • Firebaseauthentication
  • firebase
  • firestore
  • Email id Login and validation
  • Data validation
  • Pattern matching
  • exceprtion handling
  • Debugging
  • Date validation
  • Automatic login
  • unit testing
  • ui testing
  • Retrofit
  • Glide
  • Json
  • Volley
  • Api
  • Payment Gateway through razorpay
  • Json converter
  • Splash Screen
  • Recycler View
  • Card View
  • Github
  • AndriodX
  • Bottom Navigation view
  • Different Layouts
  • Dialog box
October 10, 2021
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