Tech Mistakes We All Make - NullClass

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Tech Mistakes We All Make

In the digital age, electronic data is a key component to any type of work; without it, work would just stop and money would drain. That is why the concept of data backup is extremely important.

However, the art of backing up data, like how it gives the opportunity to save data, also gives the opportunity to create common, yet disastrous mistakes. To address and avoid such mistakes, a data backup strategy must be created; that is the key point to remember. But to accomplish the task, three important terms that are included in a data backup strategy must be defined & popular backup mistakes must be brought to light.

Common mistakes

1. No Backup

This is the most obvious, yet easiest mistake to fix. Any sort of disaster can happen to your business, whether it’s a simple human error, a natural disaster, or a ransomware attack. There is no knowing how and when a disaster will occur. The first step to minimizing its negative impact is to set up a backup.

2. Ignoring Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are playing a more important role in the working world, including your business. Mobile devices don’t only include smartphones and tablets, but also laptops and any other electronic device that is easily portable. This also means that mobile devices are becoming more susceptible to attacks, such as data breaches and ransomware. With today’s backup systems, including Google Drive and OneDrive, you can back up your business’ data to a single platform or in a single data storage source.

3. Relying Only on Physical Storage

Physical, or local, storage may seem like the most reliable backup system because it is the only type that is tangible and visible. Events such as fires and floods could occur. Other storage, like the cloud storage, is intangible, therefore giving an advantage to its users by defying physical disasters.

Another way of backing up physical storage is by storing a copy of this data offsite. Having all your backed-up data in one location makes it more vulnerable to on-site disasters, whether it is physical or digital, and can more easily put your team in downtime.

4. Not Using Automation Features

There are types of data storages that have a feature that automatically backs up your data; these types include cloud and off-site storage. This feature exists for backing up data effectively. These automation features allow you and your employees to focus on the important tasks while the backup is handled by the software.

5. Forgetting Archive Needs

There is a big difference between backing up data and archiving data. Data backup refers to changing data that needs to be restored. Archived data refers to data that is not changing and is no longer needed. Grasping these two forms of data storage will greatly help sort your work’s data and create more storage room for your data’s backup. Two pluses to archiving data is that your backed-up and archived data will be more organized and that your business will save money by not spending on extra backup storage space.

6.Not Verifying Backups

It is one thing to back up your data, and another to make sure it is backed up correctly. Before deleting the original copy make sure you check the data has been backed up first. The extra mile can even be taken by downloading the copy of your data from your back-up storage to make sure it is usable. With that, you can have the assurance that your backed up data is usable data, waiting to be downloaded when necessary.

Backing up your company data is key to saving money and time when your business operations are down. Considering the large amounts of information your data and file stores are saving daily you want the backup to be a solid method. A dependable backup provides a sense of security knowing all your private contact lists, leads, and sales are available, even as backup, whenever you need them.

July 13, 2022

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