Top 5 Mobile App UI/UX Design Trends that will rule in 2021 - NullClass

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Top 5 Mobile App UI/UX Design Trends that will rule in 2021

Top 5 Mobile App UI/UX Design Trends that will rule in 2021


Top 8 UI/UX Design Trends in 2021 - Zeka Design


The User interface design is the very first impression of any and every mobile application. It connects the users with the brand, it enables in making the user journey smooth…When an app is built in a way that the UI is client centric and has engaging content, there is nothing that can stop that app from becoming successful.

However, the landscape of UX is in continuous transformation– new things are being developed day in and day out. UI design is the most changing area in the mobile phone industry, which deeply impacts many other areas of the industry.

The UI design of an app is not just limited to its looks. The data architecture of the app should successfully combine with UI design guidelines that organize, label and structure an application’s content sustainably and accessibly.

In this blog you will be leafing through the top UI and UX trends of the year 2021. All of these trends are the latest and the best trends which will make you fall in love with the UI and UX of mobile industry.

So folks, without wasting any further time let us dive right into the juicy trends.

Top Mobile UI/UX Design Trends for 2021

2020 is already over and we are seeking for the latest and the trendiest of UI/UX design trends for both iOS as well as Android apps.

Here is a list of top mobile UI/UX trends that will be ruling in 2021, reduce the bounce rate, and boost conversion rate.

  1. Improved Personalization

In this year, mobile app personalization will most probably acquire more momentum. A customized UX is becoming very essential to the mobile development industry. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are making this customization boundless.

Use streaming services like YouTube or SoundCloud where AI makes use of user choices for offering song recommendations. On top of this, fitness and bucket list apps also offer improved personalization to all users.

  1. Rounded Corners


UI Design: Big Rounded Corners - YouTube


This is one other trend that is included in the modern smartphone devices. Both Android as well as iOS flagships feature rounded corners.

Since curved corners included in a device are mirrored in its UI design, all apps as well as mobile sites get a very similar rounded appearance and feel. It impacts the mobile industry in a positive manner on the UX. Rounded corners are way smoother on our eyes and help us process data easily.

  1. Convenient Voice Interactions

Siri is the voice-controlled personal assistance of Apple, Alexa is the virtual assistant of Amazon, Bixby, the smart assistant of Samsung, and of course Google Assistant, the AI-enabled virtual voice assistant of Google make a command their terms to UX design trends.

Apps which are voice powered are continuously accommodating our lives as they deliver very precise and to the point fast query results. Additionally, they are more feasible, and make sure personalized user experience.

  1. Password-less Login


Passwordless Authentication - FusionAuth


Since a lot of apps are used daily, it becomes exceptionally difficult for us as users to remember all of the passwords that we have entered. The password-less login process will become even more popular in the year 2021.

There are some ways of password-less login already utilized in the mobile applications. For instance, fingerprint or facial recognition used in mobiles. Moreover, sign-in links, and OTPs or One-time Temporary Passwords (eBay).

  1. Advanced Animation

Operative animation is a very important part of providing a better user experience. Animated moves and motions deliver a lots of data – they explain how the state changes, confirm the actions, and add to the rhythm and interactions.

As the mobile devices are becoming even stronger as well as quicker, mobile app designers can produce more advanced and better animation. The animation is no more just for bridging the gaps that occur between different conditions; it’s also a part of the branding process.

Motion tells a very exclusive story in regard with your brand and the product whereas the animation spices up things for the users by developing film-like scenes where data changes from one frame to frame other.

  1. Gradient 2.0

In the year 2021, Gradients will get a new life. Nevertheless, this time, gradients have more enhanced regarding vibrant shades utilized as background. They try to get a more clear light source.

Vibrant palettes not just bring the dimensions and depth to the User interface design but also make positivity. Moreover, the gradients are moving more towards simplicity and subtlety in terms of styling and designing.

  1. 3D and Faux-3D Design

Although making use of 3D elements in mobile applications is not one of the new trends as such, it was for a very long duration of time utilized just in the entertainment sector and games front.

With the development and advancement of device processing strength, 3D elements develop in the regular functional apps. By launching the 3D elements and faux 3D elements in the mobile experience, you can add real looking features to mobile interactions.

  1. Dark Themes


Dark theme - Material Design


A dark theme consists of a low-light UI that shows only dark surfaces mostly. Dark themes bring two very essential advantages to the UX: they store battery power by lessening the use of light pixels and also enable in reducing the eye strain by modifying the screen’s brightness to present the lighting conditions.


Folks that is it for this blog! If you come up with any queries or doubts then feel free to raise them. Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions regarding this topic.

Thank you very much for reading this blog!! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!


September 3, 2021

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