What are some good open source projects in Python to contribute to and start learning Python? - NullClass

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What are some good open source projects in Python to contribute to and start learning Python?

What are some good open source projects in Python to contribute to and start learning Python?

  • Python is currently one of the most widely used programming languages. This trend appears to be set to continue in 2021 and beyond. If you’re new to Python, the greatest thing you can do is start working on some real-time Python project ideas.
  • We at Nullclass believe in a hands-on approach because theoretical knowledge alone will not help in a real-world workplace. In this article, we’ll look at some fun Python project ideas that beginners can use to put their Python skills to the test. This article contains 15 great python project ideas for beginners who want to get some hands-on Python experience.
  • Furthermore, project-based learning aids in the development of student knowledge. As a result, all Nullclass courses include case studies and exercises based on real-world issues. This technique is good for novices in programming skills, but it is not limited to them.

But first, let’s address the most pressing topic on your mind: why should you construct Python projects?

It is essential for aspiring software engineers to work on their own projects when pursuing a career in the field. The best method to hone your talents and turn your theoretical knowledge into practical experience is to work on real-world projects.

So, here are a few Python Projects that beginners can work on:


1. Number Guessing app

  • This is a simple Python project with a lot of potential. It’s even possible to call it a mini-game. Create a programme in which the computer selects a number at random from 1 to 10, 1 to 100, or any other range. After that, provide consumers a clue to help them figure out the number. When a user guesses incorrectly, he is given another clue and his score is reduced. Multiples, divisible, greater or smaller, or a mix of all of these can be used as a hint.

  • In this Python project, you’ll also need functions to compare the inputted number with the estimated number, compute the difference between the two, and check whether an actual number was entered.



2. Text-based Adventure Game

  • This is a stripped-down version of the adventure game. It’s entirely text-based. Users can wander around numerous rooms within a single setting in this version of the game, and descriptions for each location are provided depending on user input. This is one of the more intriguing Python projects I’ve seen.
  • You’ll need to build barriers and determine the directions in which users can move through the rooms, as well as set mobility limitations and include a tracker that can measure how far a user has walked or moved in the game. Mentioning Python projects in your CV can make it stand out from the crowd.



3. Dice Rolling Simulator

  • We’ll be emulating a rolling dice, as the program’s name suggests. This is one of the more fascinating Python projects since it generates a random number with each dice roll. The user can use the dice as many times as he wishes. The application will create a random number between 1 and 6 when the user rolls the dice (as on a standard dice).

  • The user will then see the number displayed. Users will also be asked if they want to roll the dice again. A function that may randomly select and print a number between 1 and 6 should also be included in the programme. This collection of beginner-level Python projects will aid in the development of a solid foundation in essential programming ideas.



4. Hangman

  • This is more of a word guessing game. Variables, random, integer, strings, char, input and output, and boolean are the key ideas you’ll need to employ while working on this project.
  • Users must enter letter guesses into the game, and each user will be limited to a certain number of guesses (a counter variable is needed for limiting the guesses). To begin, this is one of the more intriguing Python projects.
  • You can make a pre-organized list of terms from which users can choose words. You must also provide particular routines to verify whether a user has entered a single letter or if the input letter is in the hidden word, to determine whether the user has truly submitted a single letter, and to output the right results (letters).


5. Contact Book

  • One of the best python projects for beginners is this one. A contact book is used by everyone to preserve contact information such as name, address, phone number, and even email address.

  • This is a command-line project in which you will create a contact book application for users to save and find contact information. Users should be able to change contact information, delete contacts, and view a list of saved contacts in the app.
  • The SQLite database is useful for storing contact information. Managing a project with Python for beginners will help you get a head start on your career.


6. Binary search algorithm

  • “Finding a needle in a haystack,” as the adage goes. Using a binary search method, this application is designed to achieve just that. You may generate a list of random numbers ranging from 0 to 100, with each successive number differing by two.
  • When a user enters a random number, the computer checks to see if it appears in the list. It will accomplish it by splitting the list into two halves. If the number is found in the first half of the list, the software will delete the second half, and vice versa. The search will go on until the programme finds the user’s number or the subarray size reaches zero (this means that the number is not in the list).
  • This python project idea will help you create an implement an algorithm that searches for an element in a list.


7. Rock, Paper, Scissors

  • If you’re bored with having no one to play with, try a 5-minute game of rock, paper, scissors on the computer, which you made yourself.
    We’re going to employ the random function once more. You make a move first, and the programme follows suit.
  • You can either use a single alphabet or a complete string to indicate the motion. To check the validity of the move, a function will need to be created.

  • The winner of that round is determined using a different function. You can then either choose to play again or set a certain number of movements ahead of time. It will also be necessary to construct a scorekeeping method that will return the winner at the conclusion.


8. Tic-Tac-Toe

  • Don’t we all remember playing Tic-Tac-Toe with our classmates in elementary school? It’s one of the most entertaining games you’ll ever play – all you need is a pen and paper! Tic-Tac-Toe is usually played by two players at a time. A 3×3-square grid is created by the players. This is one of the most creative Python project ideas I’ve seen.

  • The first player will place a “X” in any of the squares, while the second player will place a “O” in any of the squares.
  • This process will continue until all the squares have been filled, with each player alternately placing X and O. The first player to make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal with three consecutive X or O on the grid wins.


9.  Post-it Notes

  • Post-it notes are a great method to keep track of small tasks, so you don’t forget about them. We’ll create a virtual replica of the physical, adhesive post-it notes in this project. The major purpose of developing this software was to enable users to take their post-it notes with them wherever they went (since it is on a digital platform).

  • Account creation should be an option, as should alternative post-it note styles and a categorization tool that allows users to split their notes. Django is a good choice for this project because it provides a built-in user authentication capability.


10. Currency converter

  • This is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) application that you may make with Python. As the name implies, you’ll create a currency converter that can convert currencies from one unit to another, such as the Indian rupee to the pound or euro.

  • This application’s design will be simple; the major focus should be on the core purpose, which is to convert monetary units from one to another. Tkinter, the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit included with Python, can be used.


That concludes today’s blog about some beginner-friendly Python projects.

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