What Is Python Used For? A Beginner’s Guide - NullClass

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What Is Python Used For? A Beginner’s Guide

Python has recently become one of the most widely used programming languages on the planet. It’s utilised in a variety of applications, including machine learning, website development, and software testing.

It is suitable for both developers and non-developers.
Python, one of the most widely used programming languages, has been used to construct anything from Netflix’s recommendation system to self-driving car software. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it can be used for a variety of tasks such as data science, software and web development, automation, and just getting stuff done in general.

What is Python?

Python is a programming language that is commonly used to create websites and applications, automate operations, and perform data analysis. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it can be used to develop a wide range of applications and isn’t specialised for any particular problem.

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Because of its versatility and beginner-friendliness, it has become one of the most widely used programming languages today. According to RedMonk, an industry analyst group, it will be the most used programming language among developers in 2020.

Monty Python inspired the name Python. Guido van Rossum was reading the scripts from BBC’s Monty Python’s Flying Circus while designing Python. Python, he believed, was a good combination of short and mysterious.

What is Python used for?

Python is widely used for web and software development, task automation, data analysis, and data visualisation. Python has been used by many non-programmers, such as accountants and scientists, for a variety of common tasks, such as arranging finances, due to its relative ease of learning.

In his book, Python for Everyone, Charles R Severance, a University of Michigan and Coursera instructor, notes, “Writing programmes is a really creative and fulfilling hobby.” “You can build programmes for a variety of purposes, including making a living, solving a challenging data analysis challenge, having fun, and assisting others in solving problems.”


Here’s a closer look at some of the common ways Python is used.


Data analysis and machine learning

Python has become a data science standard, allowing data analysts and other professionals to perform complex statistical computations, produce data visualisations, design machine learning algorithms, handle and analyse data, and perform other data-related tasks using the language.

Machine Learning - GeeksforGeeks

Python can create a variety of data visualisations, including line and bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, and three-dimensional plots. TensorFlow and Keras are two Python frameworks that let programmers construct data analysis and machine learning systems more rapidly and efficiently.


Web development

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Python is frequently used to create a website’s or application’s back end—the elements that the user doesn’t see. Sending data to and from servers, processing data and interfacing with databases, URL routing, and ensuring security are all examples of Python’s role in web development. Python has a number of web development frameworks. Django and Flask are two popular ones.

Back end engineers, full-stack engineers, Python developers, software engineers, and DevOps engineers are some of the web development positions that require Python.


Automation or scripting

If you find yourself repeating a task frequently, automating it with Python can help you work more efficiently. Scripting is the process of writing code that is used to create these automated procedures. Automation can be used to check for flaws across numerous files, convert files, perform simple math, and delete duplicates in data in the coding industry.

Relative amateurs can use Python to automate simple computer chores like renaming files, discovering and downloading internet information, and sending emails or SMS at predetermined intervals.


Software testing and prototyping

Python can help with activities like build control, issue tracking, and testing in software development. Software developers can use Python to automate testing for new products or features. Green and Requestium are two Python programmes for software testing.


Everyday tasks

Python isn’t just for data scientists and programmers. For people in less data-intensive occupations, such as journalists, small business owners, or social media marketers, learning Python can open up new doors.

Python can also help non-programmers simplify some of their daily duties. Here are a few examples of chores that Python can help you automate:

1. Keep an eye on the stock market or cryptocurrency values.
2. Text yourself a reminder to bring an umbrella whenever it rains.
3. Make sure your grocery list is up to date.
4. Changing the names of huge groups of files
5. Creating spreadsheets from text files
6. Assign responsibilities to family members at random.
7. Automatically fill out internet forms


Why is Python so popular?

Python is widely used for a variety of purposes. Here’s a closer look at what makes it so flexible and user-friendly for programmers.

1. It has a straightforward syntax that resembles normal English, making it easier to read and comprehend. This speeds up the development of projects as well as the improvement of existing ones.
2. It’s adaptable. Python can be used for a variety of purposes, including web development and machine learning.
3. It is user-friendly, making it popular among new coders.
4. It’s free to use and distribute, even for commercial purposes, because it’s open-source.

5. The Python module and library archive—bundles of code developed by third-party users to extend Python’s capabilities—is large and growing.

6. Python has a vibrant community that adds to the Python library of modules and libraries and serves as a resource for other programmers. Because of the large support network, finding a solution to a stumbling block is extremely simple; someone has almost certainly encountered the same issue before.


How long does it take to learn Python?

Depending on what you want to learn and how often you want to learn, learning the basics of Python might take anything from a few weeks to a few months. Python, on the other hand, has so many applications—and tools to support those applications—that you might spend years studying all of them.

The length of your Python journey will be determined by the tasks you want to complete and whether you want to use Python professionally.

“Being a professional programmer now is a lot easier than it was 20 years ago,” adds Severance. “To get started with programming, you don’t need a bachelor’s degree or years of expertise. With Python’s growing popularity, you can learn the skills you need to start programming software as part of your profession in just a few months.”

Who uses Python today?

Despite the fact that there are hundreds of programming languages available, Python remains a popular choice among many businesses and organisations. Python is used by Google, Facebook, Venmo, Spotify, Netflix, and Dropbox, to name a few.

What types of jobs use Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is utilised in a wide range of professions and industries. These are just a few examples of jobs that employ Python:

  • Developer
  • Data analyst
  • Data scientist
  • Ethical hacker/penetration tester
  • Software engineer
  • Data journalist
  • Cloud architect
  • QA engineer


I hope this helped you get a better understanding of the Python language. If you want a career in coding, specifically app development you might want to check our courses at Nullclass.com. Our courses are done in a real-time environment that ensures you learn better. we already have hundreds of happy customers.

Have a nice day.

November 9, 2021

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