What is the future of the JAVA programming language? - NullClass

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What is the future of the JAVA programming language?

What is the future of the JAVA programming language?

In 2024, the global developer community is predicted to grow by 28.7 million people. And 63.1 percent of programmers said they would continue to code in Java, Python, HTML/CSS, and SQL in the future. Furthermore, major corporations such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon continue to use Java in their software development processes.

Will this technology be phased out soon?

Read our blog about the future of Java and what technologies might replace it to discover out.

Java is an object-oriented programming language with a lot of power. This technology has gone through 17 iterations since its introduction in 1991, including JDK Beta, Java SE 7, and others.  Java has a long history of support (LTS). It means that a software edition can be kept up to date for months or even years.

Despite having a plethora of alternatives, well-known organizations like Spotify and Twitter continue to use this programming language.

If you’re wondering why Java has been so popular for so long, consider the following features:

  • Java has a straightforward syntax that is based on C++. This programming language is also simple to develop and comprehend.
  • The Java virtual machine, which is stored in random-access memory, receives a unique bytecode generated by the Java compiler. As a result, Java code can execute on any operating system (Linux, Microsoft Windows, etc.).
  • This capability means that a Java developer can organize software as a collection of objects, such as classes, while coding.
  • It’s one of Java’s most powerful features. It means that programmers can construct multithreaded programmes (two or more) that can run at the same time. In Java, there are two major ways to build a thread: extending a thread class and introducing the running interface.
  • Because a compiler generates bytecode that does not interface with a specific computer architecture, Java has a neutral architecture.
  • Java features a robust type checking system that emphasizes time error and runtime error checking. Grammatical errors are indicated during the coding process, reducing the number of errors in the final code.
  • Java is a distributed programming language, which means it may be used on multiple computer networks at the same time.

If you’re not sure whether you need to code your app in Java, consider the following benefits:

  • After Python, SQL, HTML, and JavaScript, Java is the fifth most common programming language. It is used by approximately 40.2 percent of coders. So, if you need to recruit Java developers for your app projects, you’ll have no trouble finding them.
  • In comparison to other programming languages such as C++ and C, Java is simple to code, debug, and build.
  • The Java code is turned into bytecode that may run on a variety of systems, including Windows, macOS, Solaris, and others.

Java continues to be one of the most popular programming languages on the market. Around the world, up to 54% of developers use it in the deployment process. If you’re wondering about what technologies are gaining popularity right now and whether they can replace Java:

  1. Python

  2. Kotlin

  3. Scala

  4. Swift

  5. PHP

The Most Important Reasons Why Java Won’t Go Away

Other technologies, such as Kotlin and Scala, make advantage of Java’s virtual machine. Furthermore, developers may build code that works on a variety of operating systems, including Linux and Microsoft Windows. Among the many reasons why Java will not be phased out anytime soon are the following:

  • Because of its dynamic nature, it’s a good choice for building streaming apps.
  • Java is still utilized in web development, mobile development, big data, IoT (Internet of Things), blockchain, and AI.
  • FaaS (function as a service) and serverless programmes with substantial functionality are feasible to create.
  • Java stays up with the times and releases new versions more often than it did a few years ago. For example, only 6 months after Java 14, Java 15 was launched. It takes up to 5-6 years in prior versions of Java, such as Java 8-13.
  • Java is still used in the development processes of AirBnb, Uber, Netflix, and other digital heavyweights.


You learned about the major characteristics of Java, its benefits, recent upgrades, and the technology’s future in this post. We also compared it to other cutting-edge languages such as Python, Kotlin, Scala, Swift, and PHP.

Java will continue to exist in the future because of its vast developer community, simple learning curve, great portability, and use in significant projects such as Pinterest, Google, Uber, and others.

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